Stories Hidden in Chinese Characters

Honors: Yellow Pencil Award in the British D&AD, 2021

ADC 100th Silver Cube Award, 2021

Award of “The Beauty of Books in China”, 2020

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This book is a reference book for interpreting the Chinese characters. The author Xu Hui made a retrospective study of the meaning and origin of Chinese characters from the perspective of the pattern of Chinese characters.


The dimension scale of the book is reminiscent of the origin of Chinese book form. The paper simulated tag on the cover looks very modern at first glance. However, when you open the book and find the hidden golden text, it shows a classic charm, which gives readers a strange but familiar feeling. The inner pages are closed and folded with 100 pieces of rice paper, and a small window is also die-cut at the fold, which has the functions of bookmark and directory. The text printed with gold on the outer flank of the page is thick and introverted, which forms a strong contrast with the inside pages on a white background, making reading full of the wizard of dialogue.