Title: Annie Leibovitz at Work - New Edition
Publisher: Phaidon Pess
Printing: Artron Print
Paper: 157g Chagall Mertha off-white; 130g Chagall candido
Dimensions: 183 x 40mm mm
Color Curve: AC2014-Fusion-AM210L-Fogra39-Mertha High White; 2014-AM210L-Fogra39-Matte Pink
In this newly revised edition of her seminal work, Leibovitz addresses young photographers and readers interested in what photographers do, but any reader interested in contemporary history will be fascinated by her account of one of the richest bodies of work in the photographic canon.
The subjects include photojournalism, studio work, photographing dancers and athletes, working with writers, and making the transition from shooting with film to working with digital cameras.
Originally published in 2008 and then updated and reissued in 2018, this revised and updated edition brings Leibovitz’s bestselling book up to date, showcasing some of her most recent work.
A Textural Delight: The Elegance of a Thousand-Dollar Fabric Book
Measuring 183mm by 240mm, this book is perfectly sized to be both exquisite and easy to hold. Its cover is crafted from a luxurious gray fabric sourced from the Italian brand Manifattura del Seveso, often referred to in the industry as "a thousand-dollar fabric". Despite its hefty price tag, the fabric boasts an incredibly soft touch and a color that is resistant to fading. Notably, this is the same fabric used for the first international edition of "Annie Leibovitz at Work". Compared to the trendy orange fabric of subsequent reprints, the new gray version exudes a more timeless and authentic feel.
In terms of craftsmanship, the cover features a deep-pressed, matte black and gray debossing process that creates a clear and striking impression of the title and author's name. The gray board has been reduced to a thickness of 1.5mm and complemented with a black elastic band, giving the book a more lightweight and sophisticated appearance.