Chicago in Color

A Vibrant Photographic Journey Through the Windy City

Publishing Specifications

Book Title:Chicago in Color

Publisher: Trope

ISBN: 978-1-9519632-8-6

Binding: Hardcover

Size: 8.0 x 8.0 inches

Pages: 223

Content Description

Chicago in Color offers a new minimalist and colorful perspective of Chicago.

In 2019, photographer Judit Prat Martí left behind her hometown of Terrassa, a city near Barcelona, and moved to Chicago to accept a position as part of the Astronomy and Astrophysics Department at the University of Chicago. Upon arriving in Chicago, she endeavored to explore and understand Chicago from all its perspectives through her photography.

Printing Specifications


HUV printing C+M+Y+K

157g double Copper/reverse grain

Text Pages


157g matt paper


Anti-scratch film,

Ordinary UV


Color Curve

